Solar energy has been around for decades, providing power to both commercial and residential needs.  However, recent advancements are making the technology more accessible for a wider market. Steve Leone, Associate Editor of, outlines in his article “Solar PV Outlook 2012: The Race to go Mainstream” the areas in which the PV Industry can make a direct connection with more consumers:

Solar Powers Mobile Devices

Born of a need for advancing technology in developing countries without a reliable grid, solar power for mobile devices is becoming more accessible to consumers. Samsung has developed a netbook that requires two hours of sunlight to receive a battery charge of one hour.  Also, a growing number of solar powered cell phone chargers have begun to reach the market. Wysips (What You See Is Photovoltaics Surface) Solar is preparing for a 2012 release of a photovoltaic cell that fits under the lens of a mobile device, like an iPhone, producing 500 milliwatt hours and providing a full charge in 6 hours.

Digital Exposure of Solar

Many digital companies (Apple, Google, Facebook) have made significant investments in solar technology to power a variety of their organizations’ buildings.  Although these installations help power the digital world many consumers access, solar technology also has a presence at televised events such as the Emmy Awards, NFL stadiums, and professional soccer facilities.  Solar energy has even entered one of America’s favorite pastimes: football.  The NFL’s Washington Redskins unveiled an 8,000 panel solar system that will supply 20% of the stadium’s power on game days and 100% on non game days.  

Electronic Vehicle Charging

As electronic vehicles also become more mainstream consumers are pushing for a renewable source for charging. Solar companies are entering into partnerships with vehicle manufacturers to develop solar powered charging stations for home and public use.  SunPower and Ford have joined forces to design a rooftop system that will charge the 2012 Ford Focus electric vehicle. Similarly, SunEdison is collaborating with General Motors to provide similar charging stations for the Chevy Volt.  

Solar Power for Homes

Residential PV systems have been around for years, yet this technology is reaching more consumers who have been resistant to the look of traditional panels on a home. Dow Corning has developed a shingle solar system that blends in, and fits with, traditional roofing shingles. These solar shingles are significantly less noticeable and can be installed quickly and easily on a consumer’s roof. 

As technology continues to rapidly advance, so will the mainstream uses for solar power. Stay tuned, there’s certainly more to come.  Solar energy is here to stay!