Advanced Solar Training

Advanced Solar Training

Our Advanced Solar Training Program at USSI provides the most relevant solar energy industry education offered in both in person and online fashion.  Courses have been written by professional licensed industry professionals and offered exclusively to the market by both The US Solar Institute and Underwriter’s Laboratory.  The partnership between these two industry leaders has led to the creation of the most relevant, modern and updated solar energy vocational training material on the market today.

What makes UL and USSI stand above others offering advanced solar training is our courses are actually advanced and students learn to apply their knowledge in Real World applications so they may know exactly what is required to install safe, NEC code compliant advanced solar energy systems.

Advanced Solar Training courses offered by USSI are approved in many jurisdictions for CEU’s or Continuing Educational Units. CEU’s are a requirement for licensed contractors, engineers and architects in most states and municipalities.

Certified PV Installer Certifications must also complete CEU’s every couple of years to maintain their good standing and US Solar Institute’s Advanced Solar Training and Continuing Education Courses are approved by both Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL), and North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP).

Click here for a complete list of CEU courses offered by UL and USSI.

No other school offers this unique educational approach and very few are licensed exclusively to train Photovoltaics by the Department of Education.  This is an important distinction because our faculty and focus is 100% based on solar energy education unlike the many other recent “online schools” who provide courses across multiple industries and vocations and may not be prepared to train contractors and engineers without any Real World experience in the field in themselves.

Our faculty have spent their professional lives designing and building real world construction and solar panel installation projects and all hold licensure by the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board and the Electrical Contractor’s Licensing Board as Certified Solar, General and Electrical Contractors.

USSI understands what employers, business owners, building officials and engineers demand in this emerging solar PV energy market. Over the past ten years we have adapted our curriculum to meet the needs of this industry by providing real world solar applications and solar installations.

Find out why employers love a US Solar Institute graduate, earn your professional CEU’s or get certified at USSI today.

Our Advanced Solar Training program provides professional grade education, partnerships and installation solutions proven by alumni who have…

advanced solar training

Installed & Designed 300+ Mega Watts of Solar to Date!
Over 35 New Solar Companies Started- Globally!
Installed Solar on Four (4) Continents!
In over 50 countries across the globe!

and we are still GROWING…


  • Preparing professionals and entry level students for jobs in solar electricity and green careers with Solar Certifications and a real Diploma from a Department of Education licensed institute
  • Provide accredited and licensed continuing education units for professionals, contractors and AHJ’s.
  • Preparing students for both USSolar and UL’s Certification process
  • Providing educational programs for multiple solar jobs (specifying engineering, contracting, sales, installation, service, maintenance, and education)
  • Training in accordance with NEC 2011, CE 2009 and Florida Building Code
  • Specialized knowledge for hurricane or high wind velocity zone (HWVZ) installations
  • Providing Florida Department of Education Vocational Rehabilitation Training in solar
  • Supporting the expansion of the solar industry through donations, scholarships and internships
  • Training AHJ’s, specifying engineers and building officials
  • Preparing Florida State Certified Contractors for state licensure examination
  • Preparing licensed electricians for the UL Personal Certification Exam
  • Providing USREE Approved training, testing and continuing educational credits
  • Providing curriculum and instructional design services and licensure for corporations, colleges and institutions
  • Developing educational partnerships and curriculum licensure opportunities
  • Engineering professional solutions for any photovoltaic system installation
  • Providing permit ready solar installation plans and specifications
  • Providing solar installation “parts and smarts” for all graduates
  • Providing product reviews, testing and design services

Ready to Begin Your Solar Training?
Click the Links Below to Buy Your Classes Now!