Solar News

/Solar News

Why We Need Better Electrical Certification in Florida

Over the past few months, I can count at least two fires that were a direct result of faulty solar PV installations – one in Pennsylvania and another in New Jersey. On the surface, two solar fires is not a whole lot – not when you consider how many diesel generators, power lines, and automobile [...]

Why Are There So Many Solar Jobs? Pt. 2

This story is continued from Part 1 of "Why Are There So Many Solar Jobs in Florida and the Rest of the Country?" Reason 3: Solar Energy Is Visible On a lazy Sunday drive, you might see a wind farm or two.  Drive a little further, and you might see an ethanol-processing center on the [...]

Why Are There So Many Solar Jobs? Pt. 1

Last year, the national economy grew a sluggish 0.7% while the solar industry grew a whopping 7% over the same period. In a time of high unemployment, 7,000 new solar jobs emerged across the country, many of them, not surprisingly in Florida – the Sunshine State. What is exactly behind this sudden burst of solar [...]

Paying for Your Solar Energy Training in Florida and Beyond

Professional training used to be the path to salvation. Enroll in a school Take on a little debt Party and study Graduate Enter the workforce Pay off your student loans Start saving for retirement But with the economy being what it is, an alarming number of students graduate with zero job prospects, a mountain of [...]

Renewable Energy Education in Jamaica Receives Unexpected Boost

Renewable PV Energy Education Jamaica. In many solar hotspots around the world, policy is one of the primary drivers behind widespread renewable energy adoption.  In Germany, Ontario, Florida, and Japan, for example, politicians have successfully enacted a range of solar incentives to boost photovoltaic installations. But in Jamaica, this type of government involvement may not [...]

The Difference Between Solar Certificates and Certification

Solar Certificates and Certification We receive this question a lot -  “What is the difference between solar certificates and certification?” The distinction is important because there is no shortage of solar installation schools across the country – many of them excellent, many of them not. Before signing up, you want to know that [...]

Veterans Benefits under Attack – from Academia?

You’re undoubtedly familiar with military recruiters visiting high schools and college campuses to enlist students in the armed forces.  Huge debates have raged over the issue, with supporters on both sides of the aisle pointing to everything from free speech to gay rights to the role of federal government in publicly funded schools.  But what [...]

Winners and Losers in the Renewable Energy Race

According to a recent Pew Charitable Trust report entitled, “Who's Winning the Clean Energy Race,” the United States overtook China in green energy investments during 2011 after lagging behind for the previous two years.  When you add up asset finance, public markets, venture capital, and small distributed investments together, we spent $48.1 billion compared to [...]

Local Problems, Local Solutions – Beauty of Solar

We’re pleased to announce that the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) has approved a $5,700 contract to help renovate our main campus in downtown Fort Lauderdale.  With this funding, we’ll be adding a rooftop teaching lab, new classroom, additional sidewalk, permeable parking lot, solar-powered street lighting, and a rain water capture cistern for our upcoming urban [...]

Solar Energy – Path to Net Positive Energy & Global Sustainability

When we installed nearly 100 photovoltaic panels on the rooftop of US Solar Institute’s Fort Lauderdale office, our goal was simple – to show the world how easy and affordable it was to harness free energy from the sun. The results exceeded even our wildest dreams.  These solar panels generate as many as 150 kilowatt-hours [...]