As you probably already know, you don’t have to be a licensed solar PV installer to actually “install” solar panels.

In fact, depending on where you live, you don’t even need installation training.  There are no federal requirements for the industry, and very few states regulate the profession.

This lack of oversight is actually one of my biggest pet peeves.

Obviously USSolar Institute would receive even more students if they had to complete training and certification by law.

But it’s not the income potential that irks me.  Rather, I’m bothered by the lack of professionalism in our industry – shoddy workmanship, preventable fires, unnecessary injuries.  They give solar a bad name, making it harder for the renewable energy movement to really pick up steam.

If beauticians and masseuses must get certified, then certainly those who work with high voltage electrical equipment should as well.

Just so we’re clear, I’m not talking about the DIYers out there who want to install panels on their own roofs.  Solar PV is a great hobby for enthusiasts – we even sell kits to help you get started.

No, I’m talking about the moonlighters and freelancers out there who claim to be “professional” installers because they’ve worked with a few systems and dub themselves “experts.”

But I haven’t really answered the question, have I?  The above reasons are why I think you should receive training and certification, but I haven’t given you your own reasons.

Well here we go:

Solar PV installation training makes you safer.  And not just you.  Anyone who uses the system also faces potential dangers if you haven’t installed the technology correctly.  If not to protect your fellow man (because it’s the decent thing to do), then think of the legal liabilities you expose yourself to with each unprofessional installation.

Solar PV installation training and licensing makes you better.  Anyone can do taxes, but certified public accountants (CPAs) receive the most business.  Why?  Because clients realize that CPAs have undergone the training and licensing necessary to derive optimal returns.  Solar is no different.  If you want as many clients as possible, become a true professional.  Period.

Solar licensing and training means that your installations qualify for incentives.  Most solar rebates and tax credits mandate that eligible installations be performed by a licensed professional.  Again, it’s about client acquisition.  Why would someone hire you if your workmanship disqualifies them from these incentives?

Solar PV training and licensing open up networking opportunities. (Are you seeing a common theme here?)  Those who graduate from USSolar Institute are usually first in line for many of the best contracts and jobs out there.  Why?  Because they’re plugged into a closed circle of “true” professionals who only refer business to trusted colleagues.

So no.

You don’t really need licensing, training, or certification.  Just like you don’t really need extra income or a full pipeline of eager clients.

You’re more than welcome to compete with our graduates sans certification and training.  But why would you want to?

Click here if you’re ready to get serious about your solar future.