Jamaica Solar Industry. With emerging markets, we often talk about “potential” growth and “potential” investment – safety words that keep the dream alive without committing us to actual action.

Having worked in solar for decades, “potential” is a concept with which I’m all too familiar.  Ever since the oil embargoes of the 1970s, this industry has experienced any number of false starts and brief heydays.  Solar energy, as a mainstream technology, has traditionally existed on the horizon – just out of reach.

But last week, we published an exciting blog about how 2012 was finally the year of the sun.  In one 12-month period, solar energy installed more capacity, received more investment, and created more jobs than at any other time in its 60+ year history.

And the contagion is spreading.

Jamaica’s Solar Revolution Has Finally Arrived

Recently, Bloomberg New Energy Finance noted Jamaica’s solar “potential” “largely because so much of its current generation is based on expensive, imported oil.”

But that “potential” seems to be materializing into actual projects.

This year, for example, the Jamaican government has already launched a number of energy efficiency and conservation initiatives.  In addition, it will soon open bids for the provision of 115 megawatts of renewable energy projects, ranging from solar and wind to water and biogas.

Granted, with a total budget of just over $300 million, these steps are modest – but they’re important nonetheless.  Even with minor investments, Jamaica can have a string of record-breaking solar years for the next decade.

At USSolar, one of our primary goals is to ensure that Jamaica’s solar “potential” continues to materialize into a reality.  One in which each successive year produces more solar panels installed on roof tops, large-scale solar farms, and the requisite supportive policies to ensure that this growth remains on track.

This is why we’ve launched the first-ever Jamaica Alternative Energy Expo.  Held next week from April 15 to 16 at the Kingston Pegasus Hotel, this 2-day event represents one of the largest gatherings of its type in Jamaica.

With solar experts and renewable energy leaders from around the world, we will set out a policy roadmap that tackles many of the most pressing challenges that Jamaica is likely to face as it transforms its abundant solar “potential” into usable, clean energy.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Training and certification
  • Financing and investment
  • Building codes and safety standards
  • Green legislation and solar policy
  • Public awareness and government involvement

Although the Jamaica Alternative Energy Expo will feature some of the brightest minds (and leading brands) within the industry, this 2-day event is open to all.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a green veteran or complete novice – as long as your committed to a more sustainable future powered by the sun, we want to hear from you.

For complete registration details, visit: http://www.jaenergyexpo.com/index.html

Hope to see you there….