The solar job market is defying the current overall national job trend by adding jobs rather than eliminating them. At the same time, though, solar companies are struggling to find highly skilled workers to fill the growing demand for solar energy, which is why training for solar jobs has never been more important for people looking to get into the field.

The solar industry saw record growth in 2010 according to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and is on pace to double that growth in 2011. So far, the industry has put in enough grid-connected solar installations to power 600,000 homes in the first quarter of 2011 alone.

With the nation adding so much solar capacity, it makes sense that the industry would add more jobs to meet the demand for more solar installations. And they are. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) recently reported that jobs in the solar industry nationally are on the rise, and employers expect to add 25,000 to 50,000 jobs this year alone to the already more than 100,000 jobs in existence. The industry expects positions for photovoltaic installers (PV), electricians, roofers and sales representatives to grow the most.

Although meteoric solar job growth is projected, a report from The Solar Foundation recently found that the number of skilled workers isn’t keeping pace with demand for solar industry employees. Now is the time for workers looking to get into this growing field to seek out training for solar jobs through high quality institutions and fill the void that currently exists in this employment arena.

The US Solar Institute provides high quality training for solar jobs through its Department of Education accredited program. The academic program at the institute directly provides training for solar jobs most in demand in the field according to the National Solar Job Census 2010, particularly the fields of photovoltaic installation and solar specific training for electricians.

US Solar Institute students can earn a photovoltaic diploma in as little as one month. The USSI program puts highly skilled workers into the field faster to fill the needs of green industry employers. The US Solar Institute also prepares students for a number of certifications (such as UL and NABCEP solar installer certifications) and ongoing professional development with CEUs.

The solar industry is here to stay with the market for skilled workers only growing as the demand for renewable energy rises. For those looking for a career change, joining the growing solar industry could lead to a brighter future, but formal training is a necessity and US Solar Institute is here to help you on your path!

