What Is the Payback Period for a Solar PV Training Course?

We often talk about payback period in the solar PV industry when explaining how quickly a new installation “pays” for itself. So for example, if a PV installation costs $100 total and saves you $25 a month in electricity bills, the payback period is 4 months. But you never hear about the payback period of [...]

How Math & Science Can Transform Jamaica’s Solar Economy.

For the past few weeks, we’ve blogged extensively about the upcoming (and first-ever) Jamaica Alternative Energy Expo. Hosted by USSolar Institute at the Kingston Pegasus Hotel from April 15 to 16, this 2-day event will feature some of the most prominent PV experts in the industry as we collectively map out a template that Jamaica [...]

Beware of Bad Solar PV Panel Warranties

For the past few weeks, we’ve covered some of the dangers of “poor” solar PV warranties in which manufacturers either won’t or can’t honor their promises to repair shoddy workmanship. But it’s not enough to know that some solar PV panel warranties aren’t good.  You also have to know how to spot these bad apples. [...]

Solar Certification Is Optional?

As you probably already know, you don’t have to be a licensed solar PV installer to actually “install” solar panels. In fact, depending on where you live, you don’t even need installation training.  There are no federal requirements for the industry, and very few states regulate the profession. This lack of oversight is actually one [...]

Real World PV Installation Training

A few days ago, we released an exciting post about the explosive growth in the solar PV industry.  GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association recently issued a report that highlighted some of the record-breaking trends happening in solar. 2012 was the single strongest year for the industry in its nearly 60-year history.  And [...]

Why Fire Code Training Isn’t Simply for Solar PV Installers.

About a month ago, we announced that we had added international fire code (IFC) training to our advanced solar installation module, PV301. And for the past few weeks, we’ve blogged regularly about the upcoming (and our first-ever) US Solar Jamaica Alternative Energy Expo, held from April 15 to April 16 at the Pegasus Hotel in Kingston. [...]

Need Further Proof that the Solar PV Industry Wants You?

Are you ready for a series of exciting announcements that get better and better? Here we go...The Solar PV Industry wants you to join! Demand for qualified people with formal solar education with hands on experience is on the rise! 2012 was a record-breaking year for solar – especially in the US.  While most industries [...]

You Can’t Miss The Jamaican Alternative Energy Expo with USSolar!

Ft Lauderdale, FL  With less than 18 days left, (April 15-16), the Jamaica Alternative Energy Expo continues to evolve beyond what any of us had ever envisioned. The feedback we're receiving from exhibitors, sponsors, and fellow organizers is incredibly encouraging, and we just wanted to update you on some of the excitement we're experiencing over [...]

Why "Now" Is the Sweet Spot for Solar PV Installation Training in Florida.

It’s no secret that Florida enjoys enviable sunshine all year round, which makes it ideal for PV installation training.  This much is clear in our nickname – the Sunshine State. This is why every month of the year, USSolar Institute welcome students from all over the globe who flock to our Fort Lauderdale campus to [...]

Net Billing Program Doubles Overnight – Proof of Jamaica’s Solar Growth?

Okay. I snagged you with the snappy title, and I apologize. Jamaica’s utility provider, JPS, has indeed doubled the number of users taking advantage of the recently announced net billing program – a government initiative that allows solar energy producers to sell excess electricity to the utility company at set rates. However, this shift is [...]